Monthly Archives: September 2020

Year 9 Camp 2020 – Using Teamwork & Leadership

Teamwork is the combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient. However, to me, teamwork is also connected to the willingness of each member to do their part and assist in achieving the team’s goal. The year 9 camp to Kalbarri was a great example of everyone utilising their skills of teamwork and leadership.

I was lucky to be part of Mr Allen’s group. Where do I start? There are so many times our group showed teamwork throughout the experience. The time we were hiking to 4 Ways, it was exhausting! I was definitely the slowest member in the group. So I was put at the front and the people behind me (Asha, Maddy and Sienna) always supported me and pushed me to keep going. Without them, it would’ve taken hours.

Another example would be the organisation of food. On the first day, Jade was in charge of organising the food we needed for the 4 days we weren’t in Kalbarri and everyone helped organise it into the containers. If everyone didn’t participate, it would’ve taken longer and we wouldn’t have been able to swim at the jetty at the end of the day. Every night, we had to cook our own meals and wash up everything. It was very important that each person in our cooking group took part and did their job. Sienna and Asha helped cut the food up, while Maddy did the cooking and at the end, I helped wash & dry the dishes.

As we spent more time with each other, we got to know the strengths and weaknesses of each individual. Therefore, we decided who would near the front or back when walking to places. One activity that included a lot of teamwork and leadership was undeniably the ‘catch the ball with the tarp’ activity. After many failed attempts and moving spots, the group came up with a strategy by vocalising and instructing what to do when the ball came near. The back leaders would bend down and the front would raise their arms to ensure that the ball would land without bouncing twice. We may have gotten the lowest score out of all the groups in Rotation 2 but we came up with a way of working together, as a team.

Not only was camp an enjoyable experience, but it was also a time where I strengthened myself as a team member and leader. Year 9 camp is something I will cherish forever as a student at All Saints’ College and beyond.

The Team