Author Archives: Akshitha Veerla

Progress Update 2

For the first 2 weeks of term 4, our group has done a lot of research and assigned people to specific places to look up; Akshitha has researched Grand Canyon, Cassie has researched Lower Falls, Adeolu and Kate have both researched the Hot Spring and Lauren has researched the Volcanoes. We have planned and begun to design a board game and our plan is to design the game during week two and create it during week three. Everyone is currently researching the different animals to cooperate with the board game.  The feedback we got from our last progress update has given our group the understanding that we should set deadlines for what we plan on completing next. We plan on taking this feedback to then make a timeline of what each member should complete over the next few weeks so we don’t do everything last minute.

Progress Update – Geography

As part of our Year 10 Humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice and to create an outcome to showcase at a final exhibition in Term 4.

The topic that I have chosen to research is Yellowstone National Park in the United States of America.

Our main focus area is the 5 themes of geography in terms of the park’s features. And the ecosystems and natural wonders in Yellowstone park.

The steps I have completed so far is completing my annotated bibliography, the research, and organisation of all group members are going to do.

Our plan for continuing our project includes research, planning the design of the project, and creating the different parts of our presentations.

Capabilities Reflection

Task 6 this term was to devise a dramatic scene that seeks to offer a representation of a group, individual, or issue that is linked to the play or can be about an issue of interest. We needed to explain, before performing, how representations offered are influenced by their current cultural context. We planned to do this through collaboration, leadership, and problem-solving. My group came up with the idea of displaying animal cruelty through 2 teenage girls exploring a factory built by a successful company that tests on animals to make cosmetic products.

Throughout the task, I had to rely on my ability to collaborate to ensure that we delivered a successful performance. Starting with the planning, collaboration was used at every stage of the process. First of all, we had to create a shareable word document that we could all access and input our knowledge/ create ideas in. The pros of this are that it was easy to use and simple. However the cons are sometimes the document would glitch and appear different to other people. So we could have used OneNote or a google document for smooth transitions of ideas to paper. The next step was to create a script; this was the most challenging, as many of us were absent and not at school most days. I took a leadership role of making a group chat on teams to effectively communicate with my group as well as email them to remind them of their given roles in this task. We collaborated to create a script in a way that we all understood how to act out the scene smoothly with clear stage directions and dialogues. Problem-solving was utilised on the day of our performance as we all forgot to bring props, so we had to explore the schools to find what we needed.

Overall, our performance was unprepared as many of us were absent for rehearsal lessons. But, we succeeded in retrieving our props and making an understandable script. The performance transitions into other scenes could have run more fluidly however we were able to act out our script into a performance that raised awareness of this issue using modern culture.

3 to 4 bin system project – Global Goals

The bins
The Team

Posters that we placed around school and in all senior school tutor groups to raise awareness


This term we have been doing a course that is called global goals. The aim of this course was to focus on one of the un global goals and to create an initiative that could help better the community. And this could relate to anything from education to sustainability. We choose to create an initiative to help better the recycling system at all saints by categorizing soft plastics.

UN Global Goals-

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals (officially known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs). These goals have the power to create a protected, better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change. These goals cover many different aspects, from education, healthcare, world hunger, equality to sustainable practises, living and peace.

For our project we choose to do the 12th goal. Which is all about responsible consumption and production. The purpose of this goal ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns. Our planet has provided us with an abundance of natural resources. But we have not utilized them responsibly and currently consume far beyond what our planet can provide.

What are soft plastics-

Soft plastics are basically one-time-use plastics. Such as the ones shown in the picture. Some common examples of soft plastics are plastic bags, bubble wrap, chip bags anything that includes soft plastic sheath. Locally, these plastics makeup about 20% of the volume of Australian household landfill bins and are often found incorrectly placed in recycling bins. Normally, plastic items take up to 20 to 500 years to decompose in landfills. That is if they ever get to the landfill. As they are prone to blowing into our rivers, oceans, and waterways and damaging marine life.

Global influence-

On average 500 million tonnes which are 500 billion kg of plastic is produced annually worldwide. But only a very small three million tons or a tiny 8.7 percent of the plastic produced is actually recycled. The rest is incinerated, causing harmful chemicals to be released and put in landfills to rot for the next couple hundred or so years, or is thrown into our oceans, killing our ecosystems. In 2020 we generated more than 900% more plastic than in 1980. Which was only 40 years ago. In 1980 we globally produced 60 million tonnes, but now we are producing 500 million tonnes. And these plastics aren’t going anywhere. It is still on earth, as it takes usually over 200 years to decompose in the landfill. And if the plastic isn’t in landfills it is somewhere also on earth. Like in our ocean, and even when it is incinerated the gases released stay in our atmosphere polluting the earth. And by 2050 we could have more fish in the ocean than plastic.


We sent out a survey to all saints’ community, to the teachers, senior school students, and the 5/6’s in the junior school. The purpose of this survey was to find how much all saints really knew about soft plastics, and how much they used every day. We found that…

Our design thinking process-

Our project-

This is where our project comes in. First, we found a problem in society that we were all passionate about. We then focused on a way that we could implement a system in the all saints community to help do our bit to recycle soft plastics. The problem with this issue is that even if the community wanted to help, ard recycle many do not know how. Our aim is to not only create a system to help recycle but to also spread awareness of the issue at hand.

Design Thinking process-

To help guide us through our project we used the design thinking process.

First, we Empathised- thinking about who our target audience was. We want everyone to become aware of the problem like we did and to learn how to recycle. But as we were just at the moment targeting all saints. We then planned to created posters to help educate the students at all saints. And to post them all around the senior and junior school.

Next, we defined our goals and topic. We decided that we would focus our project on just soft plastics exclusively. We research and tried to inform ourselves about the problem we had found. Before we moved onto the next phase. Because how were we meant to teach and raise awareness for the problem unless we knew it ourselves.

Ideate- We then gathered ideas to solve the problem of no one knowing what soft plastics were. Or the damage they caused to our environment, or how to really recycle them. We started with brainstorming ways to solve this problem, which we concluded that the best way to inform all saints. Was to do it actively. This is when we came up with the solution to create a new bin system for all saints. Making one exclusively for soft plastics. As through our survey, we found that a lot of people bring them to school, or buy them through the canteen though most of the things there are bio-degradable still some aren’t.


  • The next part of our project was to start our prototype, this started with a few sketches till we had vague idea of what we wanted. Then we got our bins, cleaned them, and started to paint the lids. We had decided on the colour blue- as it fit the other bin colours.


  • A few weeks ago, we put our finished bins. To see who uses them and who doesn’t. To start with we just had two. One in the junior school another in the senior both in places that are seen by many.

Trials and Mistakes-

There were a few mistakes made along the way. Such as when we were painting the bins, we soon learned that regular acrylic paint wasn’t going to work. So, we then switched to spray as the final solution. But the first time it didn’t work which then let up to a bit more experimenting till finally we got the paint to stick to the bins properly. We also had to figure out what was going to happen to the soft plastic once we collected it.


The practical part of getting the bin lids blue did not succeed the first time, neither the second but finally it did the first time. As the first two times the paint kept chipping therefore this would not be a realistic solution as the bins would not last in harsh weather conditions. So, we scraped to remove the layers and started from scratch. And then sprayed the paint on the actual bin lid instead of on the acrylic paint.

Personally, my individual successions was designing the poster and organising the presentations. However some challenges was the bin lids and time management as I had to juggle tasks and tests from other subjects with global goals. Therefore, the bins and posters were put out later than expected.

Where to next-

We collaborated with two years 6’s which were part of the junior school sustainability club to help try and include the entire school community in our project. They helped us decide where to put the junior school blue bin, based on popular areas junior school kids hung out, and which bins were most used. We are planning to hand over this project to Zac and Corbyn when we graduate who are also in sustainability club and can introduce it to the members.

Global Goal and Innovation through STEM

Introduction to your course “Global Goal and Innovation through STEM” and why you have chosen to enroll in this elective.

I chose Global Goals because it is an elective where we work towards a sustainable future by researching all of the UN’s sustainable development goals.

Who are the United Nations?

The UN is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights.

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable Development is economic development that is conducted without the use of natural resources.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)?

  • End Poverty
  • No Hunger
  • Good health and Wellbeing
  • Quality education
  • Gender Equality
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Life below water
  • Life on land
  • Peace, justice, and strong institutions
  • Partnerships for the goals

Why are these goals important?

These goals are important because they are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.

Outline any progress on the SDG’s.

The goals regarding the environment have progressed a major amount. Local air and water quality have dramatically improved in several areas that have implemented shutdowns. Emissions have dropped, and worldwide, the demand for coal and oil is lower than it has been in a long time ­– due to the decline in demand from transport and slowdown in manufacturing.

What goals do you believe have relevance to All Saints’ College and its community?

Personally, affordable and clean energy would have an immense postive impact on All Saints’ due to the fact that our school is so large and uses so much energy to keep it functional. Therefore, this goal will make All Saints’ a part of taking a step futher into making the environment healthier in Western Australia.

Sustainability Project – Maths

The people in my group are me and Laura.

Our Product –

Our idea was to make a product that encourages people to grow their own food. By doing this it not only supports the four pillars of sustainability but it is better for a person’s physical and mental wellbeing. Our product is put simply a starter kit for growing your own fruit and vegetables. Our product’s purpose is to show people how easy it is to grow your own veggies and aims to promote more people to do it as it is not only good for the environment but it also good for you.

Reflection –

Throughout the presentation, we spoke about how this product we made supports sustainability and how it makes the future better socially, environmentally, politically and economically. We also showed the effects of store-bought food mathematically using graphs e.g. how much land has been cleared in Western Australia in the past 50 years to show the effect of how much the transportation of food negatively impacts the environment.

Rubric –

I think we did well but didn’t meet the highest mark on the rubric as the presentation had everything we had to say about growing food sustainably but wasn’t organised properly. However, we made sure to use each other’s weaknesses and strength’s (Laura made parts of the script, I made slides on the presentation), we chose a presentation format because we are able to display all of our information on it clearly, we used graphs and statistics to show how our products help the world mathematically and we showed how our product is part of the future economically, socially, politically and environmentally.

Year 9 Camp 2020 – Using Teamwork & Leadership

Teamwork is the combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient. However, to me, teamwork is also connected to the willingness of each member to do their part and assist in achieving the team’s goal. The year 9 camp to Kalbarri was a great example of everyone utilising their skills of teamwork and leadership.

I was lucky to be part of Mr Allen’s group. Where do I start? There are so many times our group showed teamwork throughout the experience. The time we were hiking to 4 Ways, it was exhausting! I was definitely the slowest member in the group. So I was put at the front and the people behind me (Asha, Maddy and Sienna) always supported me and pushed me to keep going. Without them, it would’ve taken hours.

Another example would be the organisation of food. On the first day, Jade was in charge of organising the food we needed for the 4 days we weren’t in Kalbarri and everyone helped organise it into the containers. If everyone didn’t participate, it would’ve taken longer and we wouldn’t have been able to swim at the jetty at the end of the day. Every night, we had to cook our own meals and wash up everything. It was very important that each person in our cooking group took part and did their job. Sienna and Asha helped cut the food up, while Maddy did the cooking and at the end, I helped wash & dry the dishes.

As we spent more time with each other, we got to know the strengths and weaknesses of each individual. Therefore, we decided who would near the front or back when walking to places. One activity that included a lot of teamwork and leadership was undeniably the ‘catch the ball with the tarp’ activity. After many failed attempts and moving spots, the group came up with a strategy by vocalising and instructing what to do when the ball came near. The back leaders would bend down and the front would raise their arms to ensure that the ball would land without bouncing twice. We may have gotten the lowest score out of all the groups in Rotation 2 but we came up with a way of working together, as a team.

Not only was camp an enjoyable experience, but it was also a time where I strengthened myself as a team member and leader. Year 9 camp is something I will cherish forever as a student at All Saints’ College and beyond.

The Team

The Salvation Army Website

What’s the purpose of this website?

The purpose of our website is to make sure schools who are ready to donate know WHAT & HOW MUCH to donate to the salvation army when they are in need of any donations.

How do you do this?

The website has information about the salvation army and clearly states where to donate and how. You can comment about