About Me Year 8

” Without contiual growth and progress, such words as improvement, acheivement and success have no meaning”

Benjiman Frankiln

Year 8 has been an interesting journey for me with many ups and downs. I have achieved lots of successes and just as many failures. Throughout this year I have tried my best to talk more and ask more questions in my classes. This year the feedback I received from the parent interview was to ask more questions and to be more confident. I tried to focus more on my grades in the second part of the year and tried to work on subjects I’m not as good at and ask more questions during the classes. I tried setting myself challenging yet achievable goals such as improving in Hass and staying focused during my classes. I think I have improved but I still have a bit more to go in achieving my goals.

I still kept a lot of skills I developed in year 7 such as keeping organised and collaborating. Year 8 doesn’t have as many tasks that require group work but in the ones I did I chose reliable people who work well with me. Even if I couldn’t choose my groups I’ve tried my best to support my group to create and show the best results. This year has been very difficult for me and I think I still need to improve in so many aspects just to catch up so I’ve been trying to achieve the goals I’ve set for myself to improve in my learning.

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