Wind Water Waves – Sustainability Task

  1. In your own words define the following terms and why it is important that you (the next generation) must be knowledgeable on creating a sustainable society.

Water efficiency

Water efficiency is how effectively a household/individual can minimise water usage. Knowledge about water efficiency for future generations is very important as they have effects climate change and could help the earth.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is the use of less energy, while still getting the same results. It is important for future generations to know about energy efficiency as fossil fuels are very bad for the environment and a majority of households get energy this way.

Waste efficiency

Waste efficiency is when people/households are cautious about the things that they throw away. If people can do this effectively then they can minimise the wastage. It is important for future generations to know about waste efficiency as it could reduce the amount of food being thrown away unnecessarily.

Food production

Food production has many elements involved such as the ingredients, water, chemicals and transport which all somehow involve unsustainable practices. It is important for future generations to know about this as it could help people to come up with a better way to produce food which is more sustainable.

2. In detail describe the ways your household contributes to the sustainability of our environment through

Water efficiency

Some ways that my household sustainably contributes to water efficiency is that we use a dishwasher and only using sprinklers when absolutely necessary. Dishwashers are more water efficient than hand washing as long as you have a full load and sprinklers use a massive amount of water, so we only use them when it is legal (before 9am or after 6pm).

Energy efficiency

My household has solar panels so that sustainably contributes to energy efficiency. Getting energy from things such as burning fossil fuels is very bad for the environment so the use of solar panels in a household positively contributes to climate change.

Waste efficiency

In my house we use the organic green bin. This is a sustainable way to dispose of waste as it is sorted and then composted. We also avoid wasting food where we can.

Food production

The way my household sustainably contributes to food production is occasionally purchasing groceries from local markets.

3. For each of the areas, describe how your household could improve its efficiency.

Water efficiency

  • Taking shorter showers, which can be monitored by playing a 4-minute song while in the shower.
  • Turning the tap off while your washing hands with soap.
  • Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth.

Energy efficiency

  • Turning off lights when you’re not in a room/in the daytime.
  • Using the heater/air conditioner less. Open the doors when it is hot and use blankets when it is cold.

Waste efficiency

  • Always checking if things are recyclable, and if they are putting them in the correct bin.
  • Save food that wasn’t eaten for leftovers.

Food production

  • Growing our own fruits and vegetables.
  • Going to local markets more often.

4. Name three Leave No Trace Principles that you could incorporate into your daily life to promote sustainability in our society. Explain how these practises may promote sustainability.

  • Leave what you find: When you go somewhere, leave it as you found it. Do not dig trenches for tents or chairs as this could disrupt the area.
  • Dispose of waste properly: Always making sure that you put recyclable items into your recycling bin instead of the general waste bin.
  • Respect wildlife: Do not disturb animals in their natural habitats just to get a picture or a closer look, as this could scare them and force them to flee. Be cautious of the animals and respect them in their own homes.

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