
Innovat(Ed) T3W8

This week in Innovat(Ed) my group and I continued creating our pencil cases. We managed to make 7 pencil cases in the time that we were given. We came very close to our goal of making 10 pencil cases. Our goal for next week is to make 15 pencil cases. Faber-Castell (a very popular stationary brand) makes 2.2 billion pencil cases per year and this specific type of pencil case is used mostly by students. By reducing the amount of plastic pencil cases we can make a difference in our plastic production and usage.

Innovation & Enterprise

Innovat(Ed) T3W7

This week in Innovat(Ed) My group and I started making our product. We unfortunately had to change our idea to an all purpose bag because our homework folder tote bags were too hard to make. We managed to make 4 bags with the time that we had. Our goal for next week is to make 15 bags with the time given. I think that we will be able to achieve this goal because we have assigned jobs to each group member. Joy will measure and cut the fabric, Genna and I will sew the bags and Sophie will do the ties on the bag.

Innovation & Enterprise

Innovat[Ed] T3W6

In Innovat(ED) this week, my group and I created the layout for our tote bag. We went through a couple of ideas for the layout and we decided to start our fabric prototype with a simple rectangular net layout. Our idea is relevant to the cause because our homework folders are made entirely of plastic and every student at All Saints has one which is horrible for the environment. We will need to bring in a tote bag next week so that we can pull it apart to see how it was made. Our plan stage worked really well and we got some great ideas down. 

Innovation & Enterprise

Innovat[Ed] T3W5

The focus I chose for Innovat(ED) was with Ms Gittos and working with creating plastic products out of fabric. In Innovat(ED) this week, my group and I created a paper model for our homework folder. Our homework folder idea was to create a tote bag with files inside as well as an attached pencil case. We had the idea to close the homework folder with a button made from air-dry clay and elastic. The homework folder idea was made mostly for students because the homework folders that we use now and every student has is made entirely of plastic! Our tote bags can be used by anyone and are healthier for the environment.