10 Types of Posts

Blogging isn’t like traditional writing — it’s a unique genre and it’s worth exploring what’s possible. Here are 10 types of blog posts you commonly see on the web. This might give you inspiration to mix things up!

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  1. Reflection: Deep thoughts and self-reflection on what you’ve learned, experienced, or what you’re thinking about.
  2. How-to/Helpful: Everyone loves using the web to find out how to do something. This classic style of post can be enhanced with pictures, videos, and other media.
  3. Journal/Diary/Recount: This is a versatile style of post that’s great for reading logs, field trips, science labs, special events, study abroad and so on.
  4. News/Announcement: These posts keep readers up-to-date with important info.
  5. Marketing/Sales: Typically these are commercial style posts. Students could use ePortfolios to advertise things like school events and fundraisers.
  6. Controversial/Debate/Editorial: This involves taking a stance on an issue while backing up thoughts with facts and proof.
  7. Reviews: Many people love to take to the web to share their reviews (sites like Amazon, GoodReads, and TripAdvisor may offer inspiration!).
  8. Listicle: This is another name for a list post. We know how popular articles are that start with something like “10 ways to…”. They can offer readers a quick win.
  9. Curation Posts: Sometimes a blog post or page is used to curate a list of resources on a particular topic.
  10. Ongoing Series: Choose any of the above, but split it up into several shorter posts. The posts could connect sequentially, or just fall under the same umbrella topic
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