An ePortfolio is an evolving electronic/online resource that acts to record, store and archive the artefacts of learning and reflection for an individual learner.
– Gillian Hallan (University of Queensland)
Links to class pages
- Taking your site with youWhen you leave the College, here are the instructions you need so you can take your ePortfolio with you….
- Types of PortfoliosWhat type of ePortfolios will students create? Let’s break down the 4 most popular types…
- ePortfolio Terms and VocabularyDigital portfolios? ePortfolios? Blogfolios? Let’s break down the key terminology and find out what it…
- Why ePortfolios?For students, digital portfolios foster independence while fueling reflection, creativity, and authentic lifelong learning….
- Home page settingDo you want your home page to show a list of your posts or a static page? The choice is yours!…
- Getting started with the new Flex themeFlex is a new theme that gives you many more options for building a page…
- 150 Prompts for writing postsIf you are searching for inspiration for posts here are 150 ideas to get you started, listed in 8 categories:…
- 10 Types of PostsBlogging isn’t like traditional writing — it’s a unique genre and it’s worth exploring what’s possible. Here are 10 types of blog posts you commonly see on the web. This might give you inspiration to mix things up!…
- What is an ePortfolio?A simple explanation of what an ePortfolio is:…
- Getting Started!Welcome to the brand new Portfolio site for All Saints’ College….
- MenusA menu is a great way to help people navigate your site. Menus items can…
- Adding videos to postsA picture, worth a thousand words. Which means video is, what, priceless?…
- Adding a featured image to a postThe theme you choose for your portfolio displays your posts in different ways – but many of them will look a LOT better if you have a featured image to display….