Beneath the frantic behaviours that COVID-19 has brought about, there are several things that I’ve learnt to appreciate due to the Coronavirus. We live in an incredibly lucky society, here in Perth. It’s a clean place with good hygiene, and it is also quite isolated from the rest of Australia. We all have homes to live in, and we have easy access to unbiased press (so we know what’s REALLY going on).
But COVID-19 also taught me about the strong bonds I have with so many people I know. We are lucky that we all have methods we can use to keep in touch, because that is something not everyone has. I took for granted the super fun games of handball we played at recess and lunch, and it took Coronavirus for me to realise I’m lucky to have all of these things.
Our fantastic education system has allowed us to continue learning at home. This is a privilege that even some school in Perth, our own city, don’t have. And the teachers we are so lucky to have are incredibly hard working, providing us a routine day to day in which we still learn. Thank-you, teachers and staff.
I know that as this situation progresses, I’ll find more things to appreciate, just like everybody else.
Icons made by <a href=”” title=”Freepik”>Freepik</a> from <a href=”” title=”Flaticon”></a>
Senuka Jayasekara May 25
A very thoughtful insight into how we must never undervalue even the most simple things in life. Great job!