Our last project for Year 7 was our Christmas Market, this project combined HASS, English & Innovated. For this project we had to make a product with a thirty dollar loan from the school and then sell that product to the rest of the school. All the profit made from this market would be donated to the Salvation Army. This would teach us first hand about business and advertising. In order to attain the loan that we needed to start our business you would have to present your business pitch to the teachers, in this pitch you would need to state your target audience, if your product is sustainable and how it is innovative. If the teachers where impressed by your pitch they would give you the loan which you pay back once you made your money. In order to spread the word about your product the school allowed you to hang up one advertisement, we learned a lot about the persuasive devices used in ads today and what elements to include in order to create the most persuasive ads possible.

For our product we decided to sell popstick phone holders, we sold them at a 177% markup price and made about 30, and we didn’t even spend the whole budget to create them. On the actual market, we ended up selling out of our products and making a profit of $10.60c which was pretty good for our first business. I learned a lot about teamwork, advertising, and marketing strategies, the different types of producers and consumers, and how businesses work.