Fixed & Growth Mindset

My Fixed Mindset:

My fixed mindset is Art, specifically paintings. I always hated going to art museums because I felt like the artists didn’t put much effort into the paintings and just painted random shapes and called it art and then sold it for like 2 million dollars. I don’t blame them tho if I could paint a black square and call it a metaphor for society and sell it for 2 million dollars I could. With that being said though I do enjoy some painting and other aspects of art such as photography and drama.

My Growth Mindset:

I think that my growth mindset in maths. Throughout my entire school life, I have never liked maths and I even consider it my least favorite subject. Since I have joined All Saints, however, I have improved at maths a lot and even moved up a math group. I still have a while to go but I am hopeful that I can improve even more in the future.