This term in visual arts we created concrete Lego structures. Here is how we did it;

We started off by learning about brutal infrastructure and buildings. Then we got different pieces of Lego and created test pieces. I made 3 test pieces which were all very different shapes. It was tricky figuring out which piece to use as I didn’t want it to be too big or too small, and I didn’t want to have any gaps.

Once I found the created the Lego structure, I started to create the mould for it. Creating the mould started off measuring our Lego piece and cutting pieces of white card. The white card had to be about 1cm bigger on each side, so that when we poured the pinkysil the sides wouldn’t be too thin. This was a struggle as I made the pieces too big and kept having to re-ajust it. Once I was finally finished that, I hot glued it onto a piece of thick cardboard. Then we had to hot glue the sides and edges so that the pinkysil wouldn’t leak. We tested if the pinkysil would leak by pouring water into the mould. I kept having to re-glue the edges with hot glue as it kept leaking. I had to redo this process about 7 times as it kept leaking. Once it finally didn’t leak I could fill it with pinkysil. After the pinkysil had set I took the mould out. We filled it with concrete and carefully took that out.

Overall, this project was a very interesting yet difficult process and I learnt a lot.

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