Task 1 pt. 1- House of Values

Task 1 pt.2- Three Main Values

  1. Family and Friends 20%- I have chosen this value as they are the most important to me. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have gotten that far and I would never get through my day

2. Time 10%- The reason time is an important value is because it matters what you do with it and how wisely you choose to spend it. When time is used to have fun it can be good and if you are not enjoying life then it can be bad. Time is an important factor in how we choose to live our lives.

3. Determination 10%- In life it it really important that you try to be determined and motivated so that you can get through the day. When I am motivated I am able to focus more in school, concentrate on my work and learn. I think I need to work on this as I am usually bored in class and need to be determined to do work.

Task 2- Role Model

Steve Jobs

Book review: 'Steve Jobs' by Walter Isaacson - The Verge

Reasons why he is a good person;

Steve Jobs created Apple, a software company which creates consumer electronics, software and online devices.

He is known for how he thinks on passion, belief and hard work.

Influenced millions of lives with his products

Lots of people look up to him because of drive and hard work.

Bad person-

Justin Bieber

Justin has done a lot of things that will classify him as a bad person such as;

He kept fans waiting for hours while he played video games

He is known for being rude to paparazzi, almost running them over with his car and attacking them

Justin has a very short temper which is shown through his behaviour (he has threatened to kill his neighbour, attacked photographers and cancelled shows mid through)

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