Emelia Theseira
Student Portfolio
- Earthquake Resistance BuildingProject Overview: For our final assessment in Science this year, we were in groups of 2-3 and asked to design and construct a earthquake-resistant building made out of dried spaghetti and blue tack. This tower had to meet the following criteria: This project is very valuable because in todays society, earthquakes cause a lot of… Read more: Earthquake Resistance Building
- DRAMA ILLUMINATE PERFORMANCE 2022INSPIRATION All the groups read out different stories to choose from. In the end my group and a few more groups chose to do Baba Yaga. During the making of the script, my group chose to look at different kinds of kid’s version of the story which made it easier to make a script about… Read more: DRAMA ILLUMINATE PERFORMANCE 2022
- YEAR 8 ENGLISHLEARNER AGENCY Year 8 provides freedom and diving deeper into finding knowledge for yourself. You are needed to source information to learn for yourself, I was required to work harder to reach the goals I wanted to achieve. English allowed me to improve based on my mistakes, I looked back on my feedback, and I… Read more: YEAR 8 ENGLISH
- $20 BOSS-ReflectionAt the beginning of semester one, the year was introduced to a subject called InnovatED. In this subject we had the ability to choose an activity that would allow the cohort to become young creator and explore different thing ourselves or in groups these activities also help us learn more about the business world. I… Read more: $20 BOSS-Reflection
- ROLE MODELSHEALTHY ROLE MODE What behaviours does this person demonstrate to show that they are healthy? Beyonce is called the ” Queen Bee ” by her fans and has a 3 deacde career that changed the direction of pop music. It goes beyond hair, makeup, and brilliant music. She is one of the most significant cultural… Read more: ROLE MODELS
- Project UtopiaOctober 24,2021 / Emelia Theseira -Fremantle Port- For Project Utopia the year sevens had an assignment to come up with ideas to redesign the Fremantle Port. Project Utopia came into our English, Humanities, and Innovated. The project began in English, by reading The Giver. Throughout the book we learnt the difference between a utopian &… Read more: Project Utopia