Emily Cheng

Student Portfolio

Dutch Still Drawing & Painting

In our course for semester 2, we completed our still life fruit drawings and our still life fruit paintings. Both our pieces of artworks were on still life fruit, yet they used different techniques and materials to produce a different outcome.

Our project for the painting still life started with practicing mixing and making colours and blending them together. Then we took photographs of an apple we had chosen and made colour swatches for the different colours in the apple. We used the transfer paper to trace the outlines and important details of the apple onto our black primed canvas. Throughout a few weeks we painted our apples with many parts of trial and error but I was able to complete my final painting.

I am happy that I was able to finish my final project of my apple painting, but since our time was limited, I would of have liked to touch on some areas such as places that had the wrong colour or not blended well. At the start of our process when we started to paint the apple, I found it hard to make the colours opaque when I was adding details and they were not very vibrant. I fixed this problem by using the acrylic paint to make a red/orange base colour on the whole apple so It was easier to paint over instead of the black.

A skill that I have acquired throughout this process in having patience and staying calm which helped me developed my design. Sometimes when I was painting, I didn’t look like how I wanted to and I would get frustrated and give up. Once I tried again and painted over it, I realised that It wasn’t the end of the world and it was easily fixed. During the end of the process when a problem came up I tried to stay focus and fix it without getting mad. Altogether this project made me learn things about techniques of painting and was enjoyable and relaxing.

Emily Cheng • November 19, 2021

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