Connected Learning Final Product

This rotation for Connected Learning we did numerous activities, one of my favourites was the paint 3D that we did near the beginning of the term, I tried to go for something simple. One way I believe that I can improve for next time is to use a variety of different 3D objects and stickers, instead of using only 1.

Some skills that I have learnt is:

  • how to change sizes of objects
  • where to locate stickers
  • where to locate 3D objects
  • how to change the climate/time
  • how to change the colour of different parts of objects

In the beginning I had a different vision for the final product, I was going to do a drawing, but in the end I did something different, which I’m still proud of.

Some of the obstacles that I faced are:

  • not coming up with a final product
  • figuring out what colours suit what
  • running out of time
  • getting confused buttons
  • forgetting what each button does and messing up

I found this activity in between easy and medium, because I had some obstacles (which are above) that I found a bit challenging, but once I found what I wanted to do it was easy to continue.

Final Product: