This term in health we have been focusing on the topic of online safety and how to behave online. And before I used these online apps like Instagram, snap chat and Tik Tok for fun and talking with friends and also using it for inspiration.i also used search engines like google, internet explorer to find other websites and to help with school and just for entertainment.i also had to use OneNote outlook and teams and other apps for school purposes and I also used Netflix, youtube etc for entertainment purpose. Some Key things I learnt in this unit was for Empathy that its more important to listen than to talk and not to say At least… because whenever you are feeling down it is the worst when someone says for example let say you failed a test and someone says well at least you didn’t fail all of your test because it usually makes us feel worst because we never usually think about how they feel and we don’t pretend that we are in their shoes basically what I am saying is don’t forget to listen not talk and don’t silver line it by saying At Least… Next is Critical Thinking is to think before you do because if you see something online people who post it. they are either professionals or it is photoshopped and if you see it people usually think “oh that will get the views/likes I need”. Or “that seems easy”. even though it ends out that it is painful. and can cause a bad injury and can also cause death. Imagine if you saw a video of someone doing cool parkour and you saw it and said it’s easy and then when you try it you never know the outcome could be good or bad. Next is respect, respect is when you be a leader not a sheep for example if someone is getting bullied and someone has started a chain of mean comments instead of joining in stand up for them and imagine what it would be like in their shoes. Responsibility imagines if you were at the skate park someone could be having a fight and your friends could be filming but what you should do is stand up and know if you can just separate it and know the difference between right and wrong and know when to get adults involved. next is a big topic. Dolly’s Dream this is a way to show what out impact does if we don’t help and use all these topics in our everyday life because we don’t know how they feel because we are a screen apart. if you can’t say it to their face don’t say it at all. it can prevent suicide and if you think suicide can happen at any age-old or young Dolly was only 14 and there was also a 9-year-old and you can see the age can change this happened because of how people were treating them not only online but also in public.

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