This year the whole cohort of year 9 travelled 9 hours to Kalbarri to enjoy a week filled with hiking and exploring the gorges.  This camp was made for all of us to improve our capabilities especially teamwork and leadership. Our groups on camp were very diverse which help us make and improve relationships that would have never been formed at school. We all became more responsible and learnt how to survive by ourselves a little bit more. But as well as that we all had to be extra organised because we wouldn’t have our parents around reminding us of what needed to be done.
Everyone had many great and new experiences at camp. Some of them being leading everyone on a hike. This task helped me to improve my leadership and become more confident. 4 people got chosen each hike. The two people at the back make sure no one got left behind and between the 4 leaders they came up with a catchphrase so they could make sure the group wasn’t too far apart from each other. We yelled to one another “Marco Polo”. The two people at the front were responsible for reading the map and choosing which path to take, what rocks to step. One of our hikes around the Z bend gorge after completing the river trail and abseiling down further into the gorge. We went on a mini hike to a swimming spot with jumping rocks and bouldering and Elle, Jaxon, Jayden, and I were chosen to be leaders. leading the group was a great experience and i learnt new skills, became more confident in leading people.
After being away for 6 days 5 nights everyone came back new and improved. Kalbarri camp was an amazing experience, and I learnt many new skills.

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