Christmas Market 2021

What is the Christmas Market?

The Christmas market was about creating our very own product to sell on the day to raise money for the charitable organisation – Salvation Army. With our product or products, we had had a reason why we needed to sell this product and who we were going to sell this too. During this project we have learnt many different things about finance, organisation, spreadsheets, marketing, advertising and more. This project used many of our subjects and it was an amazing opportunity.

One of our products, The CD’s

What were we doing?

Sienna and I were in a group together. We made two products: a snowman made out of brand-new socks and filled with rice and CD’s with creative designs. We had done the snowmen because they were very cute, and they were perfect for Christmas coming around the corner. They can be used for many purposes like doorstoppers and a teddy. We sold them for $5. The second product was CD’s, and they had many designs on them. You could use them to hang up on your walls and they are very aesthetic decorations. We sold them for $3 each.

Our snowmen

How the market went?

The market was very successful, and we were able to sell all our items. The snowmen were very popular to the year 5’s and year 6’s mostly but we also had some teachers and others. The snowmen sold out in the matter of minutes, and everyone loved them. The CDs took a little longer to sell but around the end when most things were sold out for the other stalls people started coming around to buy the CD’s. So, in the end we ended up making $154.50c after selling everything. This all went to salvation army!

The salvation army logo

Values and Capabilities

During the Christmas market it was a must to be organised for the market. We did this by communicating to each other about when and what we were doing in class and at home. This came down to who was going to get these items or who was going to make a prototype. Organisation was crucial part to the project. We also had to problem solve a bit because we need to find a idea to keep the posca pens on the CD’s without it scratching off. After a while of thinking we both came up with idea of nail polish as a protector. This worked extremely well, and it was worth it. We needed effective communication to the upcoming day because we needed to make sure we had everything we needed and that everything was ready to go! Communication before the market was so important because we needed to know what each other were doing.

Our College Capabilities

What would we do different next time?

I think we should have raised the price of the snowmen earlier because they were selling fast, and everyone thought $5 was cheap! Only at the end did we change the price for the last 2 for $7. If we had done this earlier, we would have made more profit. Also, I would want to manage better our time on when we go shopping to other stalls and how long. But in the end, I think we didn’t have to change much and it was amazing.

Our 2nd Product, Snowmen


In conclusion I think that the Christmas Market was an amazing experience, and I would love to do it again. Sienna and I did outstanding and I wouldn’t want to wish for a better person to do this with. This was a great opportunity, and I am very happy that we made in total $154.50c going to Salvation army.

Thank you!

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