My experience From RAAFA, InnovatED

The beginning was a bit wonky because everyone was starting to introduce each other. It was also hard because I was the only girl in the group to start with, but besides those obstacles, I started on the project

The next week, Rhea came and that definitely made me feel more comfortable now there was someone I knew well in my group. I feel that Rhea and I were good at cooperating with each other (because we were both girls) I definitely think we got our creative juices flowing and we were both more concentrated on our work

Rhea left after three weeks for tennis but most of the ideation process we did was complete, we just needed to expand our idea outwards. I had also started writing the script for the pitch and I was preparing images for the ‘PowerPoint’ we were going to show.

It was starting to come to the point where we had to recode the pitch like a trial run to show our teachers and we were selected to pitch to RAAFA. I was exited but kind of nervous about because I didn’t know how she was going to feel about the idea my group had come up with

When it was the day of the pitches, I was really nervous, but I had to tell myself to be confident while reading the pitch. Surprisingly, she was extremely happy with the idea we came up with and there were only tiny miss fires we needed to fix for the future. I felt proud of myself and I was happy that I was able to finish it.

I feel that this project boosted well… all of my powers because of the involvement of the group one rhea had gone to tennis. I feel that speaking the pitch to an audience also helped boost my confidence and looking into the ideas helped with boosting my empathy and courage to help others. I feel that this helped with my communication skills, pushing me to try harder and better my public speaking skills. My self management was improved because I was pushed to do more when Rhea left. My problem solving was helped when we had to start our new idea because we kept getting too many road blocks with the first idea. And of course, my teamwork skills were improved because i had to work with people that I wasn’t originally comfortable around.

Flaws- when Rhea and I were working together, we started with an idea that we scraped because we felt it would be too challenging. The page below shows the two ideas that we came up with so it is a bit messy. Other than that, it was trick and faulty because it would have had to do some drilling into the buggy which I felt was a bad thing to do. It was still tricky with the new idea, but we could work around the problems because they were way more simple than the ones that came with the first idea. We also forgot to put some information into the script that would help our Idea sound convincing because we forgot about where the buggy was from. (by the way it was from Australia but in a different state).

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