Christmas Market Reflection

My group made plants. Our plants were sustainable we collected plastic bottles from around the school. During this process, we learnt about different ways plastic bottles can be used and how to grow plants. The school gave us $30 to spend on the metals me need we had to get:

  • Plants $2.95
  • Potting mix $3.88
  • Ribbon $2
  • Mirror Shards $6.98
  • Bottles Free
  • Tags $4
  • Sand $Free
  • Succulents $Free

We had money to use if some stuff was over the price we planned for. We sold a lot of succulents because they were the cheapest one we had and they are easy to look after. Our second most sold were the double plants – they look the best and were cheap for what it was. We made a profit of 70$ which is now going to the Salvation Army.