Amana Living: Innovate Ed

Image result for thinkerThroughout the term, we were put into groups for different service jobs such as Amana living or RAAFA. I selected Amana. I had background knowledge about Amana living. We had two different groups for Amana living. We had an education group and a books club. I selected the education program because I wanted to help the elderly regain their education levels during their retirement lives. The Amana group visited Emily in the Amana Living retirement village and asked questions to Emily about what is something that the elderly would enjoy and what they would like to learn that we could take note of. We created a survey for the elderly. We had a special guest coming into the class and we had to create a pitch for her to come up with solutions of how we can get the elderly to regain their education program. My group was missing many members that had all the information so there were times when we had to recreate the project but we organized a time to meet up and completed the speech. We had some positive feedback and some feedback that we could improve. Overall we did well. I believe that we did well for our presentation, even when we lost several members. I think our group managed to finish the whole pitch with good quality. We had some positive feedback about our speech and some feedback for somethings that we could improve for future reference.  An example could be that we spoke loud and clear, looking from the flashcards. However, some feedback that we could work was asking ask for questions at the end which was very helpful to not forget and possibly add it to the slide. There was a point during the speech creation where we had a missing member that had all the information which we will take account of by emailing the information to others in the group, which will help our organization. Overall, I’m happy with the group and the info we gave out.

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