Using Teamwork and Leadership at Year 9 Camp in Kalbarri 2021

To me leadership and teamwork is working with other people to make a positive difference. Teamwork generally relates to working with other people while having a leader who helps guide you and the team. Leadership generally refers to leading a team and guiding them to an end goal. By being a leader, you demonstrate empathy when you lead your team, listening to their ideas and implementing them into your process. A leader is someone who can talk to a group of people and be confident in the fact those people will follow. But a leader can also be a part of the team and someone who leads from behind, for example helping others who did not understand an instruction or task.

The view from 4-Ways Camp

On year 9 camp in 2021 I used a lot of teamwork. Without it I would not have been able to achieve anything we accomplished. If we were going to complete the camp and enjoy it, we needed to work together. An example of this is working within your tent group and cooking group to split the gear in our packs. We all took turns carrying the heaviest items when really they were only a bit heavier than the others. Eventually we were able to make it to the end goal with even packs. The bags were very bulky and hard to hike with, so we supported each other while hiking by taking breaks and helping others climb.

Originally when we first began the hike to 4 ways camp site, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do it. But I pushed through because I needed to put my part into the team, and that is what we all did and through those beliefs we made it very easily to 4 ways in minimum time. I learnt that if I pushed myself to be part of the team then I can achieve a lot more than what I once thought.

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