Online Behavior

This term in heath we looked at different components about acting online. We spent our time on four aspects which where; critical thinking, respect, empathy and responsibility.


Critical Thinking:

“Why would you do that!” is something we get told too often. Critical thinking is about thinking of the consequences your actions will result in such as posting something or doing a dare to increase popularity.


Our comments can be hurtful and upsetting if we express our opinion the wrong way. If we don’t agree with something we could just say that’s wrong and you’re wrong or you could put it as. Well, I think it isn’t because… We have to think before we post or comment.


We have to think about how our reaction might hurt someone or spread information that wasn’t meant to be spread. If we don’t put ourselves in another’s situation, we could end up doing some damage.


We have to stand up against what’s wrong and put it right. If someone is being teased or bullied, we need to either comfort the person or stop the bully.


In summary, this term we looked at our behaviours online and learnt that to create a better network, we need to be kind and strong enough to show courage and stand up.

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