42 people die in western Australia every year from drink driving. Drink driving ruins many people’s lives, and it has other impacts such as jail. Drink driving lowers your reaction rates and can lead to death and serious injuries from accidents. These accidents can result in death, disruptions (jail/work/licence issues), insurance bills.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why:
Don’t be stupid, use your common sense. Common sense says don’t drink and drive, don’t do this. Most car crashes are caused by stupid decisions such as drunk driving because people don’t consider the results of those actions, like the increased chance of serious injury or death.
Write down a pledge you will commit to when you start driving? Why did you pick these things to commit to? how will you stick to these commitments:
Not be stupid and to use common sense. Most traffic accidents are caused by people being stupid, the exceptions are things out of anyone’s control, like a random thunderstorm or fallen tree. To drive safely you basically just have to not be an idiot. failing to do that simple task puts yourself and others at risk of the death machine you control. Think things through before you do them, like drink driving, its just stupid.
This year in science for geology we had to make a group and in that group design an earthquake proof building, test it a couple times and see how it went. The catch was that it had to be entirely made out of blutac and pasta, and it had to reach at least 60 cm tall in a 30*30 base. Dylan, Riley and I managed to make a working tower that reached 75 cm without damaging anything, and resisting one of the worst earthquakes that anyone had theirs tested on. There weren’t any marks assigned to whether your design worked or not but it was better if it did. Our design worked well by having a reverse pendulum in the center that flexed in the opposite direction to the direction the waves went allowing the force to be negated and keep the center of gravity over the base keeping it stable. After seeing everyone elses it was seen that trying to hold together like a fort doesn’t really work. A change that may make the buildings a bit more practical would be needing a platform of x*x near the top so that it is more like a building and less of a “spire”.
As the finance manager I did the calculations for all the money and costs to make sure we didn’t go over our budget of $60 dollars. Riley was the reporter so he made sure everything looked good and wasn’t overcrowded while Dylan made sure that progress was always made and kept us on track as the manager. Before construction however we each looked at different parts of construction. Riley looked at design choices, Dylan looked at structural integrity and I looked at how the components we used worked. We were originally going to have a hydraulic which is where I expertise in so I designed that while the other two worked on construction as Dylan is fast while Riley is steady. I contributed my creativity to new ideas and theories while the math gave me time to think up things. Riley provided a knowledgeable point of view to counteract Dylan’s design sights of just going for it only thinking it would work. Together we made a fantastic design for an earthquake proof building that has many functions including being a radio tower.
Our designGroup photo, from left to right: Jack Goddard, Dylan Baker, Riley Snook
We studied what game consoles people prefer to play on as well as how long people usually spend on a screen during the week. Our data has been categorised into different genders. Studying this is interesting as it can show what the majority of a certain group of people like to play and how long they usually spend on a device. The time spent on a device seems more interesting as we can see if people are spending a considerably unhealthy time on a device.
The validation is ok however due to the fact that a console older than i am is on there means some people may have put that down as a joke and the time one could vary depending on what the person does on any given week The other thing is putting it in a total quiz with 55 questions means that there is a chance that it was towards the end for people meaning some of the answers may not be fully thought through meaning the occasional answer could be discounted however without a way to test which ones were at the end of the quiz makes this a very bad idea as if a fully thought through question is eliminated it means any other not fully thought through answers have a bigger impact Side thing but why does it count pc as a console in the first question but then separately calls out pc in the second one possibly trying to discourage answering with pc in the first question. This could lead to a reduction in the reliability of the answers due to people interpreting the question differently meaning more people could interpret that pc isnt a console and not vote for it despite it being their favourite putting the pc votes down despite them actually being higher.
The average time people spend on a device is 12.63 hours The median time people spend on a device is 5 hours, q1 is 1 and q3 is 14 Most people spend between 0 and 1 hour on a device
Numerical: Despite the box plot having outliers as they are mathematically, they arent in practice as its very possible to do them and the numbers arent outrageous. However because its code that put together the graph it still shows them as an outlier, however there were a few we removed because they simply weren’t possible such as one that had the time of almost 4 weeks in one meaning unless the laws of time moved around the person they were a complete outlier. The other graphs we have also removed the choice outliers but kept in the others that were possible as they still contributed, however it skewed the graph positively meaning there is a slight tail behind it, preventing it from being mostly symmetrical however there would have been a positive skew even without the larger numbers. Surprisingly boys on the mean played more video games than girls, this could possibly be because of doing other stuff such as playing sport. It was surprising to find that guys played a lot more videogames than girls.
Categorical: While guys had a lot more people playing the big consoles girls were surprisingly loyal to both old and new Nintendo consoles with them both being almost 3 times the amount of boys on those consoles. The reason for why however is unknown as the wii came out before I was born, and while the switch has come out a lot more recently it still doesn’t explain why so little boys play on the switch. A possible reason for this is them wanting to play Rosalina and peach, however it could also be smash bros or pokemon. Another piece of surprising data was that so many guys played xbox and pc, that they were each double than the amount of boys playing playstation and almost beat the amount of girls playing wii and switch combined. While other consoles tended to have extremes in a certain console, non binary people only played pc, this could be because there were so little in our year, could also be because they just like pc.
In conclusion. This task was more interesting rather than helpful. It interests me to find that not many people spend loads of time playing games and each game console had a gender majority. This data was impractical as the categorical data was too restrictive in that the wii is an old console and there is a new version it as well as playing on mobile devices not being an option. With the numerical data some people would put very improbable answers that were forced to be put as outliers. The most difficult part of this was most likely putting the information into graphs as a table had to be made which forced us to filter the information then count individually. If this task is to be done again in the future I recommend for the numerical data instead of asking for them to make a number for how much they spend, give them a range, as that data will be much easier to take in. Overall I didn’t find this task very enjoyable as the methods were tedious and the results wouldn’t help in many scenarios.
Lloyd Rayney was accused of murdering his wife Corryn Rayney after she got home from a dance class, however wasn’t convicted because the evidence was too circumstantial and in place by sheer chance.
The Lloyd rayney case was a bit different from others as both the victim and the accused were involved in the legal system and were high up at that. This meant that everyone else had to be brought in from outside the state. While justice had been upheld for most of the case the police didn’t treat him fairly and some of the evidence seemed planted. The principles of justice are:
Fair treatment by police: Everyone has to be treated fairly by the police no matter what the police think they are to treat them the same.
Innocent until proven guilty: Everyone is innocent unless proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
Everyone is equal before the law: Everyone should be treated equally before the law no matter what race, sex, political opinion.
Rights to a reasonable appeal: Everyone has the right to ask for an appeal if reasonable and not trying to get the appeal from something impossible.
Fair Treatment by Police
Firstly, the police gathering evidence for the case almost immediately turned their attention to Lloyd meaning they didn’t look for other suspects and named him the prime and only suspect in the case despite the fact that he wasn’t. The police found the body upside down which was said to speed up decomposition in the head though that didn’t work and the police that checked the body found no weapon marks meaning they had no weapon tie, however they did find a celebrity heads tag with “Lloyd rayney” on one side however there are no records of dna testing done at all in this case meaning that it would have been easy to plant. The only other evidence possibly tying rayney to the murder was liquidambar seed pods in corryns hair which supposedly meant she had gotten home before the murder however they only appeared after the initial body search. There were many things wrong with how the police acted, however they could be improved on in the following ways:
dna testing
changing the police officers leading the case after defaming Lloyd
looked for other suspects
All in all fair treatment by police was compromised because of their actions.
Innocent until proven guilty and everyone is equal before the law
While the police weren’t great however the next two principles of justice – innocent until proven guilty and everyone is equal before the law – did better as he was treated fairly by having no jury, as being a human people object to murder completely, giving him an unfair trial if one was to be involved and by having everyone else involved in the court brought in from over state removing bias for or against him. However the planting of evidence would make it seem as if someone wanted him to seem guilty even though he wasn’t, possibly compromising this principles of justice and it could have been improved by the ways mentioned earlier, but otherwise it is pretty supported.
Subtitle 4
The last principle of justice – rights to a reasonable appeal – however were definitely supported as there were no signs to compromise it as it wasn’t needed due to the fact that he wasn’t found guilty.
In conclusion the police were overall bad and its because of that, that they compromised that principle of justice. The principles of justice everyone is equal before the law and innocent until proven guilty were mainly supported however the planting of evidence did almost compromise them. The other 3 principles were completely supported however. As a whole justice was upheld for a good portion however the police were really bad, the best bit being the fact that he wasn’t convicted because of murder as the judge didn’t find him guilty because of their bad job.
personally I learned that I prospered alone and being alone inspired many different ideas but I didn’t make any goals and became just kinda empty with no celebrations that would normally happen. I was happiest during the quarantine and didn’t want to go back all that much when it ended.
in terms of my family I learned that my dad is creative fast but that was really it.
in terms of my community I learned that many people in my class are extroverts while only a few are introverts. while I’m an introvert I still like the random talks that happen at recess and lunch but the lack of walking across the school was a plus. while at home it was obvious Mr. Middleton missed talking as he often talked all lesson and others reminded us of coronavirus.