Lock reflection

This semester in lock we departed on a day trip to Dwellingup to participate in many activities that we practiced and took part in during term 1.

The activities included tree top high ropes, bush cooking and kayaking.


for the first 6 weeks of school in the double periods our class went down to shelly foreshore to participate in various activities and exercises in kayaking. We had to learn how to put on the appropriate equipment and kayak properly with good technique. we then used these skills and techniques for the one day trip to Dwellingup. In Kayaking I had to make sure I used the inquisitive capability which means I was willing to take on challenges in kayaking even when it was tough and scary and willing to learn new things and practice the correct technique that was difficult.

bush cooking

We first started cooking with the Trangia learning the basics of cooking and how to prepare meals. We then moved onto bush cooking and learning how to make an appropriate fire with sticks and twigs. Bush cooking was for about 5 weeks every Tuesday in the double lesson and each week we cooked different meals like nachos, pasta and burritos. In bush cooking I had to make sure I used the organisation capability so I remember to bring the correct equipment and ingredients that my group needs to make our meals, also so We have the correct materials to start a sufficient fire to cook on


The First activity we had rock climbing. We had to learn how to belay properly and make sure the climbing was safe at all times . On the one day trip to Dwellingup we participated on the high ropes which was an obstacle course in the trees. It was a bit similar to rock climbing but was much more complex and you had to rely on yourself to make sure you were safe . In climbing I had to make sure I was always using the teamwork capability to make sure I’m looking out for my peers on the climbing wall or climbing safety and following the rules while using the high ropes with my friends.

leave no trace

When we need to leave a place in the same or better condition than we found it, we use the term “leave no trace.” It is critical to protect and maintain the environment. We achieved this by making sure we threw all of our rubbish in the bin or carried it with us. We can’t leave food crumbs either, so we have to be careful when bush cooking. If we had time left over at the end, we also went for a walk and picked up whatever rubbish we came across, whether it was ours or others. This helped in the cleanup of the campground.

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