Kalbarri was an interesting and eye-opening experience. It taught me a lot about the outdoors, camping, teamwork, endurance, and leadership. One of the key things I saw and learned was teamwork. In Kalbarri, we were put into different groups. The people in these groups were the people you would have to stay with and travel together for the next 5 days. We would have to work together to trek down the gorge, cook, and set up tents. The experience that I think showed the most teamwork was cooking. Cooking requires teamwork as if one person fails to do something, the meal could be ruined. This is how I witnessed teamwork during my adventures in Kalbarri

My cooking group and I consisted of Jaxon Chan and Aaron Ravi. We traveled together down the gorge and at the end of the day we had to cook a meal to energize us for the next day. We assigned different roles to the three of us to even out the workload. For example, I cooked, Jaxon chopped the vegetables and Aaron washed. Together we cooked a delicious, nutritious meal for the three of us. Then we efficiently washed up as a team and we finished cleaning up first out of all the groups. This is a clear example of team collaboration. We worked effectively and efficiently to create a well-orientated cooking experience.

Another place I saw teamwork was when we had to cross a river in the gorge. As a team, we strategically planned where we would cross. We slowly hopped across rocks to reach the other side. Some people who didn’t want their shoes and socks to get wet passed their belongings to people on the other side. This is another example of team collaboration as we worked as a team to get over the river with dry belongings and dry bodies.

These are the example of teamwork that I witnessed in Kalbarri and I will never forget the experience I had there.

Kalbarri | Explore Parks WA | Parks and Wildlife Service

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