HASS Yr 10 Term 3 & 4 Project

During the end of term 3 and the entire of term 4, we have been and will be occupied for the next couple of weeks. We were tasked with the freedom of making our own little project in any subjects of Economics, Civics, Geography and History. My partner Xavier Damonse and I got the opportunity to do Civics and History, Xavier had history and I got civics. With Xavier loving History he decided to work on the Ancient Empires and how harsh they used to do things, and I got to work on war crimes and what the standards are for war crimes. Together we decided to measure, work on and present in a way to demonstrate how many war crimes the empires violated for today’s standards.

Team Partner

Xavier Damonse

Progress Update and what we have achived so far.

For the last week or two Xavier and I have found some websites to research and made up some practise questions we might get based on our focus (Civics and History). We have also spent the last couple of days finishing off our research before the holiday and break and make the references needed for the submission of our annotated bibliography which is our references and a couple of sentences for the importance of the source to our main question and a summary of the info we grabbed of the website.

Our plan for the future.

Our next step for the future of our project would be to design and make a prototype of a way on how we will present all the information we retrieved from the sources. If Xavier and I decided on a 3D arts and craft way to present then we will both go to Kmart or another store to get materials if needed. We will also create a few small summaries of the info to help make the audience more attracted to our project and easier to read.

Some difficulties we have found

Some difficulties Xavier and I have found with this project must include the difficulty of planning because we both are very chatty and it can be hard to focus, especially if everyone around us is talking, the way we fixed this was by asking to go outside into the breakout space which allows us to focus.

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