HASS Project Year 10 Update 2

As a part of our Year 10 HASS course, we are able to create a project about a topic of our own choice and to create a final product to showcase at the exhibition in Week 6 Term 4. The topic that I have chosen to research is “How political tactics and methods have changed over time.” So far, we have completed a script for our documentary. We aim to finalise this script and start the filming process of the documentary next week. We will then edit the documentary and add some information to display about the documentary at the exhibition, to inform people when it will be playing on the CPA projector. The feedback we received last time was mostly positive, and we will make sure that the documentary follows our topic, and is engaging to the audience, and inform them about the research and the facts we found out about whilst working on the project. We have planned our timeline, and we should be able to finish our project in time for the exhibition.

Hass Project Year 10

As part of our Year 10 Humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice and to create an outcome to showcase at a final exhibition in Term 4. The topic that I have chosen to research is how political tactics and methods have changed over time. Our main focus area is Civics. The steps I have completed so far are that I have completed the bibliography, and the script for the documentary is a work in progress. Our plan for continuing our project includes finishing completing the script, filming the documentary, and editing the documentary.

Developing My Leadership Capability In English

Throughout my English course in 2021, I have developed some of my capabilities that have helped me become a more developed person. The major capability that I developed throughout one of my English assessments was my leadership skills. I had to develop this skill throughout my last assessment because it was a group assessment. My latest assessment was a dramatic performance about bullying that lead to suicide which was performed in groups of four which was Xavier, Daniel, Kyle and myself. Before our assessment, I would have had trouble getting people to work on certain tasks. During the task, I put it upon myself to become the leader of the group, and motivate my group members, to do specific parts of the script. After our group presented I thought that we went pretty well because we were mostly organised with our costumes and props, and due to the leadership skills that I developed we had everything done. I also believe that my leadership capability developed the most by checking in with what people haven’t done and what we needed to bring as a group. To elaborate on this point Before the weekly check-ups I would go over the work that was needed to be complete and check on what was needed to be changed or removed/added. After the check-ups, I would tell our group what I changed and ask them if they wanted it to add a bit more. Throughout the project, my leadership capability developed and allowed me to become a better leader in and outside of school.