During Year 8 InnovatED all students broke off into 6 groups to focus our work onto interesting new projects. These classes included Arts and Craft and Aquaponics, two projects I worked on across the two Terms. For Arts and Craft Violet and I designed invitations for the showcase and market. After meeting with Ms Strentz, we realised that we could be a help to them and planning the two events. As event organisers, Violet and I worked with Ms Strentz to design invitations, organise the floor plan for morning market and manage the popcorn machine.
The Runway Morning Market was held in Wanju for parents and students to purchase items created by the students from $20 Boss and a couple other students from around the school with their own business. We helped the businesses by making sure they had everything they needed and asked for before the event. I used leadership and problem solving from our ASC capabilities to keep the popcorn machine organised when our previously planned roster failed. Violet and I then used effective collaboration to clean up any mess made quickly after the market finished. We were not as involved in the InnovatED Showcase, but we had helped communicate with the other groups.