Life Skills Review

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the nervous system to change its activity and make pathways stronger. This means we can make any action like moving our fingers stronger the more times we do it because messages are running through your nerves making your neuro pathways stronger each time. This can also relate to our thoughts because the more we think that the stronger the pathways become and if we think it enough it become a part of our set mindset. If we always think with a positive mindset then it will be our usual to think with a positive mindset. We can train our brain using the knowledge of neuroplasticity because it shows how doing something over again will make us and our brain stronger.

Grit is important because it shows strength of character and courage meaning you need grit to live a happy and successful life. We learnt about a man who was born without limbs, but he went on to live a very successful life because he had grit and was very grateful for what he had. He went through life very normally and he ended up being an inspirational speaker. We can use grit to have resilience and courage to help us be happy and take up many opportunities. I believe that grit can’t be taught or learnt but it is easy to use in everyday life.

We learnt about Eddie Jaku who believes he is the happiest man on Earth. Even though Eddie lived through the Holocaust he believed it was his job to help others live their happiest life two. He promised himself that he would smile everyday after the war ended. Eddie is a great example for us to follow because we can see that he is still so happy even after everything he went through, and he can make us realise that we take a lot for granted and that we have a limited time on Earth so we too should always try to smile and enjoy life more.

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