Breaking Barriers – Fixed to Growth Mindset

An example of a change of fixed to a growth mindset that I had was when I was in Grade 3 and I started playing footy.
In Grade 3, I started to play Australian Football with a friend and not being too athletic, I was really bad. I felt hopeless and I wanted to quit but my friend really wanted me to keep going with him so we started making goals. After weeks of training and a couple of goals being met, I started to get the hang of it. Till today, footy is my favourite sport and I love playing it even if I am bad at it by setting goals like me and my friend did all those years ago. This had made me realise the value of teamwork and how it can motivate someone to keep going.



INNOVATEed – Nulsen Directory of classes

This experience has helped me build my performance skills and over 10 weeks I have learnt how to work in a team effectively and learnt how to effectively speak in front of an audience without stuttering or using fillers.  I also built my confidence skills and was very committed to a topic. An outside activity that helped me was my football team, they help me to develop my teamwork and tolerance with others in my team. I also learnt confidence, commitment and grit.