Chat-Bot Challenge

Over the course of three weeks, My Group and I have been working closely with the team at Firetech/au to create a prototype chat-bot for the popular streaming service Netflix. In our group, we used Teamwork and Individual Leadership to distribute work between us.

We utilised AWS Educate and completed “badges” which expanded our knowledge about the systems used and we used Amazon Lex (Amazon’s private programming platform) to create the prototype for our chat-bot. We divided the work into three main roles: Project Manager, UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) Designer and Lead Programmer. Using these roles, we were able to expand our knowledge on the technology used and also developed teamwork and leadership skills

Sustainability using Maths

This project that spanned the last three weeks of school had taught us the correct ways to reach sustainability and how to communicate it through mathematic devices (Graphs, Statistics Etc.). This project had us use this knowledge to create products that would communicate sustainable acts through the taught mathematical devices.

Throughout the lessons, we had learnt about the effects of our chosen topic: Food Wastes. we had learnt its negatives, counters and we also learnt about the three pillars of sustainability. These pillars include the Economic, Environmental and the Social pillars which needed to be balanced in order to reach a sustainable future.

My group and I had created a pamphlet to convey sustainability through statistics. We had also created a presentation to show the class to support and successfully pitch the idea of the pamphlet. This had utilised the research we did in class and was based around the three pillars.

First page that covers the Economic Pillar
Second page that covers the Environmental Pillar
Final Page that covers the Social Pillar

Overall, the experience of this project was very beneficial to expanding my understanding and learning about sustainability.