Dear Year 8 Me

Dear Matthew Baldock,

Some advice that you could gift to people in year 7 going to year 8 would be to work hard going into the year because it will be best to adjust to the difficulty spike between year 7 and year 8. I would also say that they should prepare to invest more home time into projects and assessments.

I would probably change how this year’s classes would be arranged and which topics when. I would have for HASS: P&L, GEO, ECO, HIS for science: CHEM, PHYS, ES, BIO for Math I would not change anything and for English it would be: DOCO, PLAY, BOOK, P-C

My best learning experience was in HASS and English where I finally understood how to use and essay structure and how to plan and write essays efficiently. I would also say that I learnt a lot from the pop-culture group assignment as it taught me how to deal with the worst partners.

The most enjoyable thing about year 8 would be camp as it was a time for me to relax and have fun during the term and helped me destress from the mountains of work that we had gotten.

My biggest contribution would be when I donated games to my class for them to play with or when I donated to the salvation army Christmas appeal because I couldn’t participate in a lot of events because of a busier schedule with my academic life.

I learnt a lot about myself. Something that I had learnt is that I am a bigger procrastinator than I had thought as during the start of the year I would leave my assessments to the latest possible moment or leave it later then. I also like to not do things with my time, usually.