
InnovatED was an enterprising opportunity available for the duration of the year. During the Semester 1, I was quite successful, and my group made a profit of $112.50. However, the Semester 2 market did not run as smoothly as anticipated, and we failed to pay back the $80 loan.

Snecare – Shoe Maintenance

Our group was Snecare. Our main focus was shoe maintenance. We developed two products – shoe cleaning kits and crease protectors. However, our products were not tailored to the target audience. The market was advertised to small children and young parents, and shoe cleaning kits would be best suited to older children with valuable shoes.

Although we were adequately prepared for the market, Covid struck and two of our group members were away. As we had been planning to finish the products at another person’s house, we did not have half of our products during the market. This meant that our potential profit was exponentially reduced.

College Capabilities

Throughout the project, I employed courage, determination, and great communication skills. Our progress was considerably slowed down by technical problems with regards to the production of our crease protectors, which made the endeavour overwhelming at times.

Although at first my group members and I could not understand each other’s viewpoints, in the end we were able to express our valuable perspectives and ideas in a clear and concise manner. We were able to communicate more effectively as a result. However, due to a lack of preparation in relation to our marketing and target audience, we were not able to repay our investment. I’ve learned a lot from this experience.

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