The project that we have been working on is a video on the process of change, involving mould. This has taken us a short period of time to complete and finalise, making sure that the information and displayed diagrams are relevant. The success criteria for the competition is heavily based around the brief, and how our idea is presented and how clearly the thee of change is communicated.
Each person in our group had specific roles, and we organised our the members of our group according to their strengths. The roles included a few actors, an editor, and a director. Each person had an opportunity to contribute their ideas, however if we had another opportunity to repeat this process, we would probably be more creative in our filming. We would have improved the lighting as the green screen had multiple shadows across the green screen.
![See the source image](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.bc622d9124a94d67288296788ad78c74?rik=A0d8lccdkR810A&riu=http%3a%2f%2fomnibus-clapham.org%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2015%2f02%2fSo-This-Is-What-Happened-Web-Image2-1024x722.jpg&ehk=3Af5JyFpANOFvaQoCwvak9BlTgK%2bleKkP3q4baaRK7k%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)
Our group had only minor disagreements at the beginning of this project, as we could not decide which topic to base our video around. However, we eventually decided on a topic that interested all of us, and we used the strategy of effective communication to resolve these conflicts. If we had another opportunity to repeat this project, we would have decided what topic we were going to be working on earlier, so we would be more productive and manage our time better.
Our group managed our time effectively and finished our project within the assigned due date. We could improve our collaboration and editing as we let one person do most of the video designing. If we repeated this project we would all work together on the filming acting and editing, We needed to improve our sound quality and visual quality as well as we were only filming on a phone, and the green screen was not a straight, bright green.