Economics Project

The research project that we have chosen to research is the economy and how it will do in the future.

Our main focus area is how to take advantage of the future economy in terms of new energy developments. We’ll be looking at the emergence of clean & renewable energy and discuss how we can capitalise on these opportunities.

The steps that I have completed so far are finalising our idea and how to present in an interesting and creative way. We have decided to make an advert/short video. We have also researched a lot of the renewable energy sector to find ways of taking advantage of the future economy. An example being, investing in up and coming renewable energy producers in the ASX to make lots of profit.

Our plan for continuing our project includes creating pamphlets and an advert (short video), on how individuals can best take advantage of the future economy in terms of renewable energy. Some things included will be shares to buy, up and coming companies to look out for, and products to use to save money.

Collaboration Capability

Recently, I completed task six for year ten English. The task consisted of working in a group to perform a dramatic scene that offers a representation of a social issue in the context of 2021. My group chose to represent the context of 2021 by portraying a year ten boy with ADHD as a ‘lazy worker’ and an ‘inattentive student’ before his mother finally listened to his complaints, and he began to receive the support he needed to excel in school.

Throughout the entirety of the task, I had to use the capability of collaboration to ensure we had a successful performance. Collaboration was used at every stage of the process, starting with the planning. The first step was to make sure that everyone understood the direction of the performance, we did this by collaborating on a planning document that shaped our entire performance. The next step was to write a script; this was challenging, as all four of us needed to work on it from various locations. We worked around this by having a shared word document, which we could all edit from wherever we were. Another example of when I used my collaboration skills was when my group members were away for their various activities. Every lesson, there was at least one group member missing because they were sick, or they had co-curricular activities outside of school. Due to these interruptions, it was key that we collaborated effectively to finish the task on time. We managed this by communicating through emails, messages, and a team’s chat. I created a group chat on Microsoft teams which enabled all of us to collaborate and continue working on the performance, even from home. This task provided me with challenges and experiences that have helped me grow into a better collaborator, ultimately making me a better group member.