Outdoor Education-Lock 2021

Lock is an outdoor education elective that includes:

  1. Bush Cooking/Camp Skills
  2. Fishing
  3. Rock Climbing

Bush Cooking-Organisation+Resilience

We had to organise who was bringing what ingredients for bush cooking every Thursday double period, this was important because if someone brought the wrong things then we wouldn’t have the correct ingredients to cook our meal.

We also had to use the capability of resilience, this was because there were times where we struggled to start a fire due to wet weather and sticks. We overcame these difficulties by being resilient, and not giving up on trying to start the fire.

Our group bush cooking


While we were rafting, my partner (Dele) and I needed to be communicating with each other constantly. Communication was essential because if we didn’t communicate well, we wouldn’t be able to move through the rapids efficiently. An example of this was when we discussed who would paddle on what side to move forward, and who would stop paddling if we wanted to turn. Dele and I communicated well, which led to a really enjoyable white water kayaking session.

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Dele and I in our kayak

Team Building Games- Problem Solving

On the last day of camp, we participated in various team-building exercises and games. One of these games consisted of us passing 2 balls in a specific order around a circle, while 2 buckets of water were being passed around. A problem we faced, was when both buckets met, and they couldn’t be passed on directly. As a group, we used our problem-solving skills and figured to have a third person hold 1 of the buckets so that they could be passed around. Our problem-solving skills seemed to be effective, as our group recorded the fastest time to pass the 2 balls and buckets around the circle.

Me passing a ball across the circle

Leave No Trace

1. Plan Ahead and Prepare– We planned ahead by discussing who was taking what before we left for camp and by freezing our meat so our food didn’t go to waste.

2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces-We stayed at designated camping places and avoided damaging any nature.

3. Dispose of Rubbish Properly-We put all our waste in bins, and before we left we did an ’emu bob’ to collect any small bits of rubbish left behind.

4. Leave what you find-We didn’t remove any natural items from their place.

5. Minimise Impact of Fire-We put an emphasis on burning down all of our fires down to coals and tried not to use any more wood than we needed.

6. Be Respectful of Wildlife-We didn’t feed any wildlife and we avoided walking through bushes.

7. Be considerate of your hosts and other visitors-We made sure to be quiet at night so we didn’t disturb any nearby campers. We also left the campsite clean, so the next people to come would have a good experience.

Economics Progress Update 2

Overall, the main feedback our group received was to make our pamphlet look professional and also include how the use of renewable energy has evolved over time. We have included this feedback by choosing a professional, yet engaging theme for our pamphlet and have highlighted how the use of renewable energy has evolved over time in our video.

Our project idea involves a series of components that will persuade and guide our audience in what will flourish in the future and how they can take advantage of this. We are going to create a pamphlet which consists of what to invest in, in the future in terms of renewable energy and why. The video we are going to create includes a futuristic interview of people taking different pathways.

The steps that we have completed so far are creating an idea & script for our video. We’ve decided to create a newscast set in the future of 2050. At this time, we interview people who took different paths in their investing careers. We ask them where they went wrong & right, and if there’s anything they would’ve changed. The video will educate our viewers on how to properly take advantage of the economy in the future. We’ve also begun to create our pamphlet. It contains information about future circumstances & laws that will be applied and have an impact on the effectiveness of renewable energy. It also includes a guide for possible investments to make and when to invest in them.


Term 3 – Week 10

  • Gather base research
  • Complete annotated bilbliography
  • Form idea and topic for project
  • Create a detailed timeline

Term 4 – Week 1

  • Complete further, more specific research
  • Post first progress update on E-portfolio

Term 4 – Week 2

  • Create a plan for our presentation methods
  • Post second progress update on E-portfolio

Term 4 – Week 3

  • Complete a first draft of script
  • Film if possible

Term 4 – Week 4

  • Edit and complete a final draft
  • Complete all filmed elements

Term 4 – Week 5

  • Add finishing touches

12 Nov – Presentation Night

Economics Project

The research project that we have chosen to research is the economy and how it will do in the future.

Our main focus area is how to take advantage of the future economy in terms of new energy developments. We’ll be looking at the emergence of clean & renewable energy and discuss how we can capitalise on these opportunities.

The steps that I have completed so far are finalising our idea and how to present in an interesting and creative way. We have decided to make an advert/short video. We have also researched a lot of the renewable energy sector to find ways of taking advantage of the future economy. An example being, investing in up and coming renewable energy producers in the ASX to make lots of profit.

Our plan for continuing our project includes creating pamphlets and an advert (short video), on how individuals can best take advantage of the future economy in terms of renewable energy. Some things included will be shares to buy, up and coming companies to look out for, and products to use to save money.

Collaboration Capability

Recently, I completed task six for year ten English. The task consisted of working in a group to perform a dramatic scene that offers a representation of a social issue in the context of 2021. My group chose to represent the context of 2021 by portraying a year ten boy with ADHD as a ‘lazy worker’ and an ‘inattentive student’ before his mother finally listened to his complaints, and he began to receive the support he needed to excel in school.

Throughout the entirety of the task, I had to use the capability of collaboration to ensure we had a successful performance. Collaboration was used at every stage of the process, starting with the planning. The first step was to make sure that everyone understood the direction of the performance, we did this by collaborating on a planning document that shaped our entire performance. The next step was to write a script; this was challenging, as all four of us needed to work on it from various locations. We worked around this by having a shared word document, which we could all edit from wherever we were. Another example of when I used my collaboration skills was when my group members were away for their various activities. Every lesson, there was at least one group member missing because they were sick, or they had co-curricular activities outside of school. Due to these interruptions, it was key that we collaborated effectively to finish the task on time. We managed this by communicating through emails, messages, and a team’s chat. I created a group chat on Microsoft teams which enabled all of us to collaborate and continue working on the performance, even from home. This task provided me with challenges and experiences that have helped me grow into a better collaborator, ultimately making me a better group member.

Food Sustainability- Math Project

Oliver, Eric and I decided to investigate on food sustainability. We felt this was a good topic to research, because we did not know an awful lot about the processes involved in making food. We got to research these processes and investigate ways to make them more sustainable. We decided to make a power point that explained what foods were more sustainable than others. (Parts of the PowerPoint are shown below)

One thing we researched was the greenhouse gasses that each food produced. The foods that released the most greenhouse gasses during production were bad for the environment as they contributed to global warming. But in order to find the best food, we had to consider all the pillars of society (social, environmental and economic). For example, an option could be to force everyone to eat tofu, as it a good replacement for meat that doesn’t harm the environment as much, but this solution doesn’t support the economic and social pillars.

It was interesting to see how mathematics could be used to find a plausible solution. We could compare graphs that would be useless on their own, to find what food was most sustainable.

Overall, we worked very cohesively as a group. We finished the PowerPoint presentation quite quickly, which gave us time to review and rehearse. One thing we could’ve done better is go into further detail, but it would have been hard to do with our time frame.

InnovatED Service Partner Project

Our task this term Over the course of this term I have learnt a lot of skills, including how to cooperate better as a team an increased my creative thinking. I also got to understand better how things work in the real world with businesses. I have better self-management skills and leadership skills. My problem solving has also gotten better. I also learnt a lot of things that you should do in presentations to make it more engaging, such as addressing the guest by their name and making lots of eye contact. I also got to become more confident at presenting our pitches and am better at convincing people now. My skills have clearly developed over the course of this term as shown by the graph I have made, the skills I’ve improved in are communication, teamwork, self-management, problem solving and creativity.