Arts – Drawing & Painting [Traditional & Experiment]


I think I have been up to date to all tasks most of the time.

I have made two targets before started painting, first was to complete my visual diary because I know after finishing, I would gain many skills that I didn’t have. And I have achieved it. As a result, I did learn a lot of skills as I have expected.

The second target I’ve made was to finish the painting within time, but unfortunately, it’s still in work in progress. Hopefully, I can have it completed by the end of this course.


Throughout the process, I have learned how to draw upside-down objects. Is to treat them all as lines by not giving them a character or shape, to have dominate right brain.

Then after obtaining this skill, we’ve learned how to draw the negative space, meaning that not to draw the main character but by drawing to background in order to sketch out the shape of the main.

To draw still live, I learned 3 rules, to draw slowly, to concentrate, and to look at the object but not the paper when I’m drawing, making sure that I am not making up stuff that I think the object looks like.


[Egg yolk + pigments + water]


We have faced two major problems…

The paint turned out to be a bit translucent, so when we apply them on our boards, it didn’t show quite well, so we decided to put multiple layers of coat on and this worked out well. I’m glad that we have tested the paints on a testing board first to practise painting skill and see how it looks, otherwise, if we have applied the paint straight onto our final board, it won’t look as good as what we’ve got now.


(colour scheme)

Since the egg tempera has to be stored in the fridge, once, we came back to class from a weekend, we were getting our paints from the fridge but as soon as we opened the fridge door, the whole classroom was filled with a rotten egg smell. Then we investigated that the switch of the fridge has been turned off by someone. All the pigments were at the bottom of the container and water/oil has been separated sitting at the top, there were even moulds growing out of the black one, probably because the lid wasn’t closed properly. Therefore the paints were no longer able to be used. We threw them all away and made new ones. We have learned from this accident that it is important to check every time if the power switch is turned on or not, and making sure to close the container lid fully after using the paint.

(actual painting)