Arts – Drawing & Painting [Traditional & Experiment]


I think I have been up to date to all tasks most of the time.

I have made two targets before started painting, first was to complete my visual diary because I know after finishing, I would gain many skills that I didn’t have. And I have achieved it. As a result, I did learn a lot of skills as I have expected.

The second target I’ve made was to finish the painting within time, but unfortunately, it’s still in work in progress. Hopefully, I can have it completed by the end of this course.


Throughout the process, I have learned how to draw upside-down objects. Is to treat them all as lines by not giving them a character or shape, to have dominate right brain.

Then after obtaining this skill, we’ve learned how to draw the negative space, meaning that not to draw the main character but by drawing to background in order to sketch out the shape of the main.

To draw still live, I learned 3 rules, to draw slowly, to concentrate, and to look at the object but not the paper when I’m drawing, making sure that I am not making up stuff that I think the object looks like.


[Egg yolk + pigments + water]


We have faced two major problems…

The paint turned out to be a bit translucent, so when we apply them on our boards, it didn’t show quite well, so we decided to put multiple layers of coat on and this worked out well. I’m glad that we have tested the paints on a testing board first to practise painting skill and see how it looks, otherwise, if we have applied the paint straight onto our final board, it won’t look as good as what we’ve got now.


(colour scheme)

Since the egg tempera has to be stored in the fridge, once, we came back to class from a weekend, we were getting our paints from the fridge but as soon as we opened the fridge door, the whole classroom was filled with a rotten egg smell. Then we investigated that the switch of the fridge has been turned off by someone. All the pigments were at the bottom of the container and water/oil has been separated sitting at the top, there were even moulds growing out of the black one, probably because the lid wasn’t closed properly. Therefore the paints were no longer able to be used. We threw them all away and made new ones. We have learned from this accident that it is important to check every time if the power switch is turned on or not, and making sure to close the container lid fully after using the paint.

(actual painting)

Save The Human – Maths

Aims to gradually replace Australia’s energy source into solar power

The topic


We were introduced to this maths project called “save the human”. We are expected to choose a sustainability related concept to investigate more on and propose a product or solution. Aleisha and I formed a group and we decided to focus on the topic of solar powers out of three other ones that we have been considering, and will present our final work via PowerPoint. We targeted our research on exploring the impacts of increasing solar use in Australia. We started to look for datas that we thought is reasonable because there may be datas that are misleading, and then analysed it in order to further prove our point. These graphs and data have helped us to explain and persuade our ideas mathematically. After all the researching, we summed up all the useful information into an excel spreadsheet which we created ourselves to show our calculations. As a result of our goal of increasing the use of solar energy throughout Australia, it is demonstrated that it will be achievable. Although it is only possible to raise 8% in the future so far, but it will definitely make a difference into such an issue like this.


After studying about this project, I have learnt how to communicate mathematically by using a different range of graphs as evidence to support and indicate an idea. Though there may sometime be some hidden messages within that we would need to identify before using the data to avoid misleading.

With regard to sustainability, now I know a lot about solar power and how solar panel works. Of what I already knew earlier was solar power is a type of renewable energy, however, I didn’t know that it is the safest and one of the cleanest sources of energy compared to all the other kinds that are commonly used.

In general, I find this project fascinating and is interested to continue discovering more about.

RAAFA Project

On every Wednesday, we have two periods of InnovatED. We started a project to solve some business problems. I choose the RAAFA project and the problem we needed to solve was to come up with a solution to transport food to every resident in RAAFA at a food-safe temperature and to safely handed to them.


After choosing this project, we started by learning the project and knowing the background of RAAFA. My group was with Jade and Kate. We then began the lesson by creating a fake resident with his own personalities, to consider what he needs, wants, interests, values and beliefs and challenges will likely be. We then researched the ‘heroes and villains’, basically just the success and failure that have been done by the community.

We had an excursion to actually walk around RAAFA and got a chance to ask our service partner some questions we wanted to know. After discovering RAAFA, my group opened up the case by researching the food-safe temperature. We used our creativity to build and draw out our ideal cart. Discussing what will be needed in the vehicle and started allocating them in place. Then in the following weeks, we were finding the real, existing products that we wished for online, which were required to be sell in Australia, with appropriate dimensions and at a reasonable cost.

Everything went well until we came back from holiday to pitch to our teachers. We had a problem that when the fridge and the food warmer were sitting together in line, they don’t both fit in the cart. Surprisingly, my group got chosen to present to RAAFA, so that we had to fix the problem. Our challenge was to complete the project in only a few days, luckily things were performing fine and we got up to present our ideas to RAAFA. Due to this trouble, I think my problem solving and self-management skill have grown. I also have developed my skills to communicate with others, got the courage to present,  working through with teamwork and we had to use empathy to feel how the residents are feeling.

I am really glad that the school have given us a great opportunity to start to get contacted to the real world’s business. Then we can adapt to an adult’s society early since we were little.