For our Alcohol Awareness unit in Term 3, we had to educate our peers about the effects and consequences of drinking alcohol. We used our time in class to research and learn about the effects of alcohol and we learnt about a friend group that is underage drinking. This project helped us to explore different teaching methods and more about the causes, consequences, and effects of Alcohol.
What were the biggest things you learned while completing this task?
Throughout this project, I was able to develop myself and this project allowed me to find my strengths and weaknesses and find out how well I contribute to a group task and the proactiveness that I take to help my group achieve what we are looking for. I also learned that collaboration is the most important element in a group and the trust between group members to ensure they complete what they were meant to.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers above all else? Why?
One main piece of advice that I would pass on to young teenagers above everyone else would be never to start drinking too early and try and avoid it completely if possible. If they do start to drink, then remember the National Guideline to make sure that you drink too much and also remember the effects of drinking alcohol and how bad they can affect you.
Write down a pledge that you will commit to if you start drinking alcohol (at the legal age of 18 years). Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?
I will pledge to myself that I will never drink a drop of alcohol in my entire life and will never be pressured into drinking. I picked this commitment because I want to follow my parents as they do not drink at all. Another reason why I have committed to not drinking at all is that I am aware of the consequences of drinking alcohol and I do not want to be affected by them. Some of these consequences include binge drinking which is most common among younger people and these could lead to severe hangovers and irreversible damage or injuries to the body. Another consequence that I could face if I drink alcohol uncontrollably would be serious blood and heart problems as too much alcohol in the body is very dangerous. I will stick to these commitments by avoiding being friends with anyone who drinks alcohol. If that is not possible, then I will try to have a strong mind and willpower to not be forced or pressured to drink. I will also stay away from late-night partying and unsafe situations where I might be forced to drink. Overall, I will strive to not drink alcohol at all to maintain a healthy lifestyle.