What Collaboration/Learner Agency Means To Me
Collaboration is working efficiently with others in your group to produce the best work or work towards a goal that has been set. Collaboration also means networking and interacting with peers to develop our strengths and communicate effectively. Collaboration is also the action of working with others efficiently and effectively towards a goal.
Learning agency is the ability to take responsibility for your learning and relates to the student’s ability to navigate their way through life and positively impact their circumstances. It means asking for feedback, using it wisely, and striving for excellence. It also means being part of group discussions and conversations and showing your learning wisely.
Example of Activities
An example of collaboration I have used this past year in English would be the current affair production we did in groups at the start of the term. We had to get into groups and plan and make a fake current affair to show the class. During this process, we had to work collaboratively and use the skill of collaboration to make sure that everyone in the group showed their strengths to make sure that we achieved the end goal of creating a great video to show to our peers.
An example of learner agency that I feel I have used in this year of English would be my improvement of thinking and reading skills after the feedback and the marks I received for my English. At the start of the year, I used to rush up to my English teacher, Ms Saunders, and ask why I deserved this mark and that I should receive a bump in my mark. But now I have realised that I am reading the comments she has written on my work and given me. And after reading them, I would ask her if I still didn’t understand.
How These Activities Demonstrate How I Have Achieved These Capabilities
These activities demonstrate how I have achieved these capabilities because they are real-life examples of my process in Year 8 English. The first activity of making a group video for an assessment mainly focused on collaboration, as we had to work together to complete the job. The second activity or improvement that I showed in this year of English showed the capability of learner’s agency because it shows that I have grown and taken the initiative to read the comments more rather than going straight to Ms Saunders for help.