Health Reflection

In the beginning of this unit, i mainly used platforms were, YouTube. Through these lessons, I have learnt many things ranging from how to use Empathy in my day to day actions, respect in my actions and words and critical thinking to keep me safe from harm. The learning has been mostly useful in real life, with many units, making me think before I do, making me more self conscious of myself, changing my opinions. From once thinking if you. For example, a few days ago, a person has been feeling down, and did not want to talk, but i wanted to know more, but  thinking back, the Empathy unit and the respect unit, made me think harder, ‘What if what I’m doing, is putting them in a tough spot? How would they feel now? How would I feel?’ The Empathy unit was definitely more confronting, because the deeper we dived into the topic, it made me realise, have I been actually using Empathy, do I actually care and am I just pretending to be respectful and understand? And as seen in my comments, many people did agree with my reasoning also talking about how empathy and respect had changed them also making them more self conscious and they had also came from being a bystander to an upstander through this opinions. This has definitely helped me realise what I’m doing. And that little things can accumulate to one big thing, which is why this topic has changed my opinions and the many supportive opinions really do make me think that I’m making the right decisions. I plan to change my behaviour in the future, by thinking and having more self restraint before I say things, to avoid any unnecessary comments, and hurting peoples feelings, as I do have trouble with self management.

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