Drawing and Experimental Painting with Egg Tempera.

In art this year, semester one we started off simple with a visual diary where we did activities involving the right side of the brain, such as upside-down drawings, contour drawings, blind contour drawings, drawings based around negative space and of course, the cover page.

Then we moved on to the still life drawing, where we chose a perspective to draw from and then started drawing, it took about two to three weeks to complete.

My still life drawing

After that, we started our colour composition using Paint 3D to know what colours to use and where to use them when we started painting.

My colour composition in Paint 3D (not done)

After choosing what colours to go where, we started making the egg tempera paint using one tablespoon of pigment, one egg yolk, and one tablespoon of water. Then we started painting the still life.