Year 10 – Wind Waves & Water

One of my electives in Year 10 was Wind, Waves and Water. The first unit we did was sailing. We had to use leadership and teamwork in our group of three to make our ship turn and choose where to go. Our teamwork was demonstrated through sailing mainly through turning. Turning requires teamwork as it needs all three members of your team to work together to turn effectively. First, you need the person steering to lead the ship to where we’re turning, then you need the person controlling the sail to loosen or tighten it, and you also need the lookout to make sure there is no danger nearby.

While teamwork is important in sailing, leadership is equally as important. This is because even during the process of turning, one person has to initiate the turn, usually the one controlling the boat, and without them, the process is clunky and ineffective.

Another way we got to demonstrate leadership and teamwork was through synchronised/artistic swimming. Teamwork was a big part of artistic swimming as the routine looks messy without the team working together to make the routine good. Leadership is just as important as it allowed one person to lead the others and makes sure that everyone is in time.

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