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Progress Update 2

As part of our year 10 humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice, and create an outcome of our choice for a final exhibition

  • The topic that we have chosen to research is the ins and outs of Hiroshima. We want to discover the history behind Hiroshima, what led up to it and how significant the long term affects were. We also want to show a deeper understanding of the incident, such as the development of the bomb, the type of bomb, and the plane that dropped it.
  • Our main focus area is History, but we also want to incorporate some geography, for example the wellbeing of the population before and after the bombing and the damage to the landscape.
  • We have chosen our topic, and main question that we want to answer is How Significant the Hiroshima Bombing was. We have decided to split the project into several sections that we can individually work on to increase our producibility. We have finished our research, including our 30 bibliographies and more focused research on specific parts of our assignment such as research on the Manhattan Project and Pearl Harbor.
  • We have taken our feedback into account and finalized our presentation idea. We decided to present our project in a large scale before and after diorama. It is going to be split into 4 pieces. The first includes the Manhattan project,  the Enola Gay (Plane) and little boy (Bomb). The second is on the Nanjing Massacre. The third is on Pearl Harbor and the fourth is our main diorama which showcases the before and after of Hiroshima. We are also gonna film a short video explaining our findings.
  • Our plan for continuing our project includes writing and starting our short video and getting comfortably in the production phase of our diorama.

Progress Update 1

As part of our year 10 Humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice, and to showcase at a final exhibition in Term 4. The topic that I have chosen to research is the United States’ atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Our main focus area is the before and after of Hiroshima and how it affected the geography of the city. The steps that I have completed so far have been doing the initial research necessary to start my groups project. Our plan for continuing our project includes filling out a timetable to organise when certain checkpoints should be completed by and if possible, work ahead of schedule. Our hope is to complete a large chunk of our project during the holidays so we have more time to do the research at school and won’t be so stressed a week before we have to present.

English Capabilities

There are 10 capabilities on the capability wheel. These are Ethics, Effective Communication, Leadership, Collaboration, Problem Solving, Inquisition, Creativity, Resilience, Organisation, and Self-Awareness. The one I used most in our most recent English task was Collaboration. The Cambridge definition of Collaboration is “the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing”. This was useful in our English task as it was a task that required a group of two or more people to create and perform a play meaning collaboration was the most important aspect of our project. It allowed our group to work well together and create our script and rehearse effectively. Collaboration is a key component in any group project and is an essential skill for anyone to have.

Collaboration with my group didn’t happen immediately. This was due to my group not having all our members for quite a few lessons. This resulted in my group being disorganised and unable to collaborate effectively which meant that our progress during the first few weeks of the assignment was minimal. However, we were able to collaborate well when we were all together, letting us minimise how much we were behind. We were able to organise times outside of school to supplement our limited group class time and used them to finish the script and rehearse.

A small hurdle to our group came in the form of an extra group member. With the addition of a group member, our group had to restructure our script to account for the new member. This required us to add new characters and integrate them into the script. However, we were able to integrate him without too much trouble due to us being able to work together well. This wouldn’t have been possible without collaboration, showing how important it is when working in a team.

Year 10 – Wind Waves & Water

One of my electives in Year 10 was Wind, Waves and Water. The first unit we did was sailing. We had to use leadership and teamwork in our group of three to make our ship turn and choose where to go. Our teamwork was demonstrated through sailing mainly through turning. Turning requires teamwork as it needs all three members of your team to work together to turn effectively. First, you need the person steering to lead the ship to where we’re turning, then you need the person controlling the sail to loosen or tighten it, and you also need the lookout to make sure there is no danger nearby.

While teamwork is important in sailing, leadership is equally as important. This is because even during the process of turning, one person has to initiate the turn, usually the one controlling the boat, and without them, the process is clunky and ineffective.

Another way we got to demonstrate leadership and teamwork was through synchronised/artistic swimming. Teamwork was a big part of artistic swimming as the routine looks messy without the team working together to make the routine good. Leadership is just as important as it allowed one person to lead the others and makes sure that everyone is in time.