HASS Letter to Ben Morton: Understaffed Aged Care Facilities

This HASS assessment was part of our Civics and Citizenship topic. This letter is our demonstration of how us, as Australians, can express our thoughts through using our rights and freedom of being an active democratic citizen. For my topic, I chose the problem of understaffed aged care facilities. Aged care is something most families…Continue Reading HASS Letter to Ben Morton: Understaffed Aged Care Facilities

Sleek Geeks Eureka Competition

Our Inspiration We got our inspiration from when we were brainstorming diseases, and alopecia came up. The second reason is coincidentally before that, the incident where Will Smith got offended for his wife who had alopecia had happened, so it was another factor of our decision. Our last reason was that we wanted something that…Continue Reading Sleek Geeks Eureka Competition