Food Friendzy Service Opportunity

What is Food Friendzy? Food Friendzy is a service program and volunteering opportunity where a group of parents and students come to the college to cook for the homeless. This food is collected by Salvation Army from the food room and is frozen, and given out to the homeless. The sessions last around 3-4 hours…Continue Reading Food Friendzy Service Opportunity

Science Engineering Challenge

What was the project? We had to create a building out of spaghetti and blue-tack that could withstand a 10 second earthquake. In groups of 2-3, we had to prototype, design and build a structure: We researched design features used in real life by engineers to make buildings earthquake resistant so we could mimic those…Continue Reading Science Engineering Challenge

English Reflection 2022

Involvement Overall, I think my involvement in English is standard; I’m neither extremely involved nor too withdrawn. In the past term with poetry, I’ve involved myself with contributing information that I know or thoughts or reading out examples that I feel confident with. For reading out passages, I don’t normally like reading out because then…Continue Reading English Reflection 2022

Health: Binge Drinking Expo

The binge drinking expo was a health project where we researched and learnt about different aspects of binge drinking and underage drinking and then got into group where we created ways to display our learning. Some people did trivia ‘beer’ pong or made board games. Our group, Anna, Muskan, Penelope, and I made a Jenga…Continue Reading Health: Binge Drinking Expo

HASS Letter to Ben Morton: Understaffed Aged Care Facilities

This HASS assessment was part of our Civics and Citizenship topic. This letter is our demonstration of how us, as Australians, can express our thoughts through using our rights and freedom of being an active democratic citizen. For my topic, I chose the problem of understaffed aged care facilities. Aged care is something most families…Continue Reading HASS Letter to Ben Morton: Understaffed Aged Care Facilities

Re-Imagining Fremantle Port 2021

2021 Project Utopia mainly revolved around the question of, “How might we redesign Fremantle Port into a community where all people thrive?”. For this project, we were tasked with the challenge of choosing an area of Fremantle Port where we can redevelop and remodel the piece of land to suit the liveability factors, the United…Continue Reading Re-Imagining Fremantle Port 2021