I am proud of what I have achieved within this term in Visual Art. I feel like it took me a while to understand the concepts. In the end, I learnt the different concepts and I liked what I produced. I feel like I incorperated many different elements of design. Next time, I want to only focus on one so it doesn’t look like random different shapes here and there.
Organisation was pretty good for me. I was good at organising my work ethic in class, but I felt with the research task I left it a bit too late, though in the end I got it done in time. Next time, I should do the research task a bit earlier. Louise Nevelson gave me some inspiration, mostly from her shapes of her art. I really really liked “Sky Gate New York” because of the patterns, how it has a story behind it, and how it was a wall piece.
I developed my final design by research and practicing. I didn’t just use my example and practice demos, I also used Louise Nevelson’s artwork as inspiration. I have used repitition, shape, and line in my piece. Next time I want to focus on just one of these so my art isn’t so all over the place.
My art work is unique and I enjoyed working with wood.
My Final Product 🙂