Project Utopia 2021: Reflection

Project Utopia was an enjoyable experience for many, and full of learning curves. It helped me understand a little more about myself, and I learnt about some qualities I never thought I had.  Our task was to redesign a branch of the Fremantle Port, sustainably, with a different lifestyle of living. This project had a big focus on collaboration, communication, and organisation. I always found myself building on these key skills.

I showed my organisation skills on several occasions. At the start of our project, I was a little disorganised, because I didn’t have a great understanding of what we had to do, but after the showcase by Nicole Lockwood, I understood what the task at hand was and our group was able to come together and come up with great ideas.  Our Group always researched different topics, and I feel our combined research paid off in the long run. I started off with googling, then collected my research notes on OneNote. I know I had lots of knowledge about sustainability when it came to the showcase.  When in the process of creating vision boards, we had lots of printed pictures that were a small size. These could have been lost or misplaced very easily, so I took on the responsibility of looking after the pictures and making sure they were always in the same place, so we could all easily access them. I can always build on my organisation, as I can be a little disorganised sometimes.

Collaboration was a little hard for me at times, but in the end, we came up with a great product. The difficulty came from our group having useless arguments that wasted time. I realised that we needed to stop and get working, and eventually we came up with some epic ideas for a port redesign. A popular idea we had among the guests was our sustainable basketball court. This was my idea originally, and I was always proud to showcase it. A lot of collaboration was required, when myself and my group made the vision board to showcase our ideas, because we had a lot of printed pictures to cut out. I was always willing to help with the cutting and using the guillotine.

Our group was usually good with communicating. Although, I felt the communication was snappy and bossy towards each other on some occasions. I was able to offer feedback to my team members and help with anything one of my peers was struggling with. I really enjoyed researching sustainable facilities, because in the end, it really paid off when we were putting things together. I learnt about some scientific methods towards creating a sustainable way of life. Overall, I loved the in and out’s of this Project Utopia experience. It was a hard ride sometimes, but we had an incredible product we were proud with in the end. Our guests loved our ideas, and we were a successful group.

Myself and my peers collaborating in the very first lesson
Nicole Lockwood’s Presentation
Rohan, Alex, Myself and Zoe ready for showcase
The year 7’s visit to Fremantle
Myself and my peer brainstorming ideas in the very first week.

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