‘Act as if what you do makes a difference. IT DOES.’
-William James
About Me:
I started at All Saints at the beginning of 2021. I am 14.
I am a hard working student who always strives for the best. I always push myself to the best of my ability, and I am always willing to help someone in need. I value trust, my family and friends, and respect.
I am a Music Scholarship student here at ASC. I play Clarinet, Saxophone and Piano. I love cooking, and I play tennis. I also love creative writing, and I am a visual / tactile learner.
When I am in my happy space, I am usually hanging with my family or friends, playing music, cooking and eating food, playing tennis, listening to spotify or even writing and reading.
When I graduate high school, I am planning to complete a Bachelor of Performance at either WAAPA or UWA, as I would love to have a musical career. I would also love to work at a university or high school, teaching music, or being head of a music department. I would also love to join WAYO.
From a young age, I have always had an interest in music. From the age of 5, I started learning how to play the piano. This was my foundation instrument. I decided when I was 7, that I would start learning the clarinet. Today, this is the instrument I am most advanced in, and my favourite instrument to play. When I was 10, I took up the saxophone. I have kept playing all three of these instruments today.
My musical achievements:
- Overall Best Woodwind Performer – Zenith Music (2018)
- 1st Place Clarinet – North of Perth Music Festival (2018)
- Parents and Friends Federation Golden Jubilee Award for Primary Instrumental Duet (2019)
- Fremantle Eisteddford 1st Place U15 – Clarinet (2019)
- AMEB Grade 5 and 6 Clarinet – A+ awarded (2019-2020)
- Music Scholarship, and Music Grant ASC (2020)
- 2nd Place Clarinet Open Solo – North of Perth Music Festival (2021)
- Music Grant ASC (2021)
- Close Encounters Show at All Saints’ College (2021)
- Overall Best Instrumentalist – North of Perth Music Festival Winners Concert (2022)
- Addams Family Musician
- Fremantle Eisteddford Open Clarinet Section 1st Place (2023)